
UMYO Video
4 Views · 11 months ago

EXPOSING P Diddy’s INAPPROPRIATE Relationship With Justin Bieber

P Diddy is in MAJOR trouble right now and we've got to talk about it..

let me know in the comments

#PDiddy #JustinBieber #SpillPlug

UMYO Video
5 Views · 11 months ago

¡10 Acusaciones más IMPACTANTES contra Sean "Diddy" Combs!

Sean "Diddy" Combs está metido en serios problemas. Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy estamos viendo las acusaciones más impactantes que se han hecho contra el magnate de la música Sean "Diddy" Combs. Nuestra lista incluye la supuesta explosión del coche de Kid Cudi, la cita de Joi Dickerson-Neal con Diddy, la utilización de famosos, ¡y mucho más! ¿Qué opinas de estas impactantes acusaciones contra Sean "Diddy" Combs? Dínoslo en los comentarios.

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4 Views · 11 months ago

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5 Views · 11 months ago

Diddy Explains Why He Escaped FBI By Jet?!

Diddy's residences in the US underwent raids at the beginning of the week, yet his private jet is currently located in a different country, leaving uncertainty about whether he's on board, according to TMZ's tracking data. Diddy's personal jet, managed by Love Air LLC, known for its distinctive black Gulf Stream 5, is presently grounded in Antigua, situated in the Caribbean. Recent flight activity shows the jet shuttling between various California airports on Sunday and Monday. It departed from Sacramento Executive Airport on Sunday evening, landing at Palm Springs International Airport about an hour later. Subsequently, it took off from Palm Springs and arrived at Van Nuys airport in the Los Angeles area around 30 minutes later. On Monday morning, around 9:00 a.m. PT, the jet departed from Van Nuys and landed in Antigua. Though the flight data has not yet been updated to confirm the landing, it is confirmed to be Diddy's jet. However, it remains unclear whether Diddy himself is on board, as there's no evidence to support this at the moment. Additionally, the situation on the ground in Antigua is unknown.

However, one big question remains unanswered – is Diddy actually on his jet?

#diddy #puffdaddy #celebritygossip


Please note: Viewers are advised to use their judgment while watching, as not all content shared may be accurate or confirmed.

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2 Views · 11 months ago

Demanda completa (Inglés): https://drive.google.com/file/....d/1l9UFfZEkV4qn25sJm

Demanda completa (Español): https://drive.google.com/file/....d/1HZ8SrfqBoyU0wDpRn


Agentes federales ingresaron a dos casas del artista, una en Los Ángeles y la otra en Miami
Hace unas horas, medios de comunicación como TMZ y el Daily Mail publicaron varias imágenes del operativo que agentes federales de Investigación de Seguridad Nacional estadounidense realizaron en dos propiedades de Sean Combs, mejor conocido como Puff Diddy. De acuerdo con información proporcionada por dos elementos de las fuerzas del orden a la agencia AP, dichas acciones están relacionadas con una investigación federal que se abrió en Nueva York; sin embargo, no dio a conocer si el objetivo es el rapero, debido a que son detalles privados de la averiguación .
Bajo investigación federal
Debido a que la información sobre este caso es muy escueta, la Oficina de Investigaciones de Seguridad Nacional (HSI por sus siglas en inglés) compartió a través de un comunicado de prensa algunos datos: “Hoy temprano, Investigaciones de Seguridad Nacional de Nueva York ejecutó acciones policiales como parte de una investigación en curso, como la asistencia de HSI Los Ángeles, HSI Miami y nuestros socios locales encargados de hacer cumplir la ley”, fue el informe oficial sobre estos cateos en las residencias del rapero.

En medio del hermetismo con el que se está manejando esta investigación, ni el cantante, ni su equipo legal se ha manifestado tras las acciones legales que se realizaron en sus propiedades. Algunos reportes apuntan a que esta iniciativa tiene que ver con las denuncias que en los últimos meses han interpuesto varias víctimas en contra del rapero por acoso sexual y violación; sin embargo, también se ha manejado la versión que se trata de un caso federal relacionado con el delito de tráfico sexual.


00:00 Contexto

03:12 Puff Daddy (Diddy) prófugo y huyendo luego de ser allanado

05:10 Lil Rod y todo el caso

08:47 Disparo en estudio de los Ángeles

10:36 Acos0 s3xual de Diddy a Jones

11:29 La prima de la ex de Diddy lo agr3dió s3xualmente en acción de gracias 2022

12:24 Incidente 2 febrero 2023

13:26 Sexo con menores de edad

14:00 Combs intentó entregar a Jones a Cuba

14:22 Jones habla del incidente de Diddy y Jlo en 1999

17:07 La demanda incluye a universal music y otras empresas

18:00 El príncipe Harry vinculado al caso

18:45 Federales allanan propiedades de Diddy

22:40 Imágenes turbias con Justin Bieber

24:15 Ex guardaespaldas de Puff Daddy (Diddy) dice que groomeó a Usher

24:57 Ava Baroni

25:59 Final


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2 Views · 11 months ago

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4 Views · 11 months ago

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UMYO Video
6 Views · 11 months ago

50 Cent talks about the video of Diddy telling Fabolous that he didn't have a birthday party with just him. 50 CENT SPEAKS ON DIDDY aka SUGAR PUFF WANTING TO TAKE HIM SHOPPING AND FIFTY TURNING HIM DOWN

#shorts #50cent #diddy #pdiddy #puffdaddy #rap #music #fabolous #jadakiss #exposed

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4 Views · 11 months ago

Fox News host Jesse Watters discusses the latest developments into the investigation of Diddy as his inner circle is getting squeezed on 'Primetime.'
#foxnews #jessewattersprimetime

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2 Views · 11 months ago

DISTURBING! Usher CONFIRMS Our Worst Fears About Diddy & Allowed Justin Bieber To Follow!?

Thumbnail images are satire created by adobe photoshop and artificial intelligence artwork.

Excerpt from Daily Mail
Usher claims he saw some 'very curious things' while living at Diddy's New York mansion when he was just 14
Usher claimed he was exposed to some 'pretty wild' stuff while living at rapper Diddy (born Sean Love Combs)'s New York mansion when he was just 14.
Following Homeland Security agents' raids on the music mogul's Holmby Hills and Miami mansions as part of an ongoing s*x tr*fficking investigation this week, social media users unearthed a 2016 interview of Usher talking about his time living with the superstar, 54, in the spring of 1994.
While appearing on The Howard Stern Show, the Yeah! hitmaker, 45, alleged that it was LA Reid's idea to have him live with the R&B singer in Scarsdale to 'see the lifestyle.'

Excerpt from Rolling Stone
Sean Combs’ Homes Raided as Part of S*x Tr*fficking Investigation
Officials descended upon the rap mogul's Los Angeles and Miami homes on Monday, four months after singer Cassie accused him of se*ual a**ault and s*x tr*fficking
OFFICIALS RAIDED TWO of Sean Combs‘ homes on Monday, a law-enforcement source confirmed to Rolling Stone, as part of a federal s*x-tr*fficking investigation. Led by Homeland Security, the raid was carried out just four months after the rap mogul’s ex-girlfriend, singer Cassie, accused Combs of s*x tr*fficking.
Helicopters and agents were seen swarming Combs’ Los Angeles mansion on Monday afternoon. Footage of the scene appeared to show some men — later identified as Combs’ sons Justin and King — detained and waiting outside of the Holmby Hills house. Officials were also present at Combs’ Miami residence. Combs was in Florida at the time of the raid, according to NBC News, and officials reportedly seized his phones before the Bad Boy Records executive was scheduled to leave for a trip to the Caribbean.

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#pdiddy #diddy #usher #puffdaddy #celebritynews #celebrity #news #law #lawenforcement #raid #lawnews #allegations #civil #lawsuit #diddy #diddylawsuit #pdiddyhouseraid

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1 Views · 11 months ago

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0 Views · 11 months ago

Mase Says The REALEST THING EVER as Diddy Is Raided By The Feds!
#mase #diddy #pdiddy #biggiesmalls #notoriousbig #badboy #jayz #tdjakes #itiswhatitis
00:00 Intro
02:18 Mase speaks on why he left diddy

UMYO Video
1 Views · 11 months ago

Diddy ON THE RUN!? Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs Homes Raided By The FEDS! His Children ARRESTED!?

Thumbnail images are satire created by adobe photoshop and artificial intelligence artwork.

Excerpt from NY Post
Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs has been untouchable for decades — but now people are out to ‘take him down’: source
It could be over for Sean “Diddy” Combs and his seemingly bulletproof, billion-dollar empire.
“He has a very questionable past that he’s been able to control because of his power for a very long time,” Derrick Parker, who was a detective in the NYPD’s rap intelligence unit (aka “Hip Hop Cops”), told The Post.
“But it looks to me like someone is behind this — someone who really wants to destroy his brand and take him down.”

Excerpt from Rolling Stone
Sean Combs’ Homes Raided as Part of S*x Tr*fficking Investigation
Officials descended upon the rap mogul's Los Angeles and Miami homes on Monday, four months after singer Cassie accused him of se*ual a**ault and s*x tr*fficking
OFFICIALS RAIDED TWO of Sean Combs‘ homes on Monday, a law-enforcement source confirmed to Rolling Stone, as part of a federal s*x-tr*fficking investigation. Led by Homeland Security, the raid was carried out just four months after the rap mogul’s ex-girlfriend, singer Cassie, accused Combs of s*x tr*fficking.
Helicopters and agents were seen swarming Combs’ Los Angeles mansion on Monday afternoon. Footage of the scene appeared to show some men — later identified as Combs’ sons Justin and King — detained and waiting outside of the Holmby Hills house. Officials were also present at Combs’ Miami residence. Combs was in Florida at the time of the raid, according to NBC News, and officials reportedly seized his phones before the Bad Boy Records executive was scheduled to leave for a trip to the Caribbean.

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Popcorned Planet offers commentary on the biggest Celebrity News, Pop Culture Outrage and Viral Internet Stories from TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and beyond. Created and hosted by Andy Signore (creator of ScreenJunkies, Honest Trailers, MovieFights, Movie World and more). Popcorned Planet is your one stop place Daily News, Celebrity Drama, Hollywood insight and Pop Culture Commentary.

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#pdiddy #diddy #puffdaddy #celebritynews #celebrity #news #law #lawenforcement #raid #lawnews #allegations #civil #lawsuit #diddy #diddylawsuit #pdiddyhouseraid

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3 Views · 11 months ago

#SeanCombs Aka #Diddy Aka #PuffDaddy Gets Upset When Paparazzi Jumps Out On Him With No Shirt On While Leaving Hot Pilates In West Hollywood, CA - TheHollywoodFix.net
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2 Views · 11 months ago

Diddy is in the crosshairs of law enforcement on both coasts of America -- as federal agents have descended on his Los Angeles and Miami homes.

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2 Views · 11 months ago

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UMYO Video
2 Views · 11 months ago

50 Cent Responds To Bad News For Diddy After Reports Of Both Of His Homes Being Raided By Federal Agents.....MUST WATCH

#50cent #diddy #fkztv #hiphopnews #viral #fyp #foryourpage #rapnews #trending #breakingnews #badboy #cassie

CLICK LINK TO READ ARTICLE ON DIDDY HOUSE RAIDED BY FEDERAL AGENTS - https://www.foxnews.com/entert....ainment/rapper-sean-


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